29 August 2014

The Peaceful Majority Is Irrelevant

Thats a quote I pulled from a video I just watched earlier today.  The woman who said it, repeated it several times and everytime she said it, it felt like a hammer smashing down on my head.

It felt dystopic and Orwellian, it felt wrong and political...and yet, she made sense.  Her argument being, that it is the evil among us that is responsible for the things that are happening today (in this particular case she was referring to the jihadist war against Western civilization). Her point being..that no matter how many "good people" there are in any given group, its the bad ones that make history.

Why is that?  Why are the good people, who usually are the majority, "irrelevant"?  Why does it take so long for "good" to conquer "evil"?

Apathy, indiference, fear ????...maybe fear is the key factor..Im not sure. Someone who is "good" is less willing to impose his or her will on another, unlikely to use force or coersion upon another in order to get the other to comply.  Good fears the consequences of its actions. Evil does not fear, it does not fear any consequence because its convinced that the outcome serves the purpose...its driven by selfishness and conviction.  Evil does not think itself as evil, it believes in its self-rightousness...while Good wallows in constant self-doubt and indicision..

Evil acts, Good waits... 

Empathy...  Good people dont necesarily care what happens to others, they just dont want conflict and pain in thier lives and are not willing to impose themselves in the lives of others.  Evil is the bulldozer that tears down your house to make room for a new road and doesnt give a shit if youre in it or not.

Empathy paralizes Good, indiferance frees Evil.  Evil doesnt care what the other feels, its only concerned with its own feelings.

When we are children, we are taught that Good always conquers Evil.  But that is a lie. 

Palpatine lures Anakin

Evil conquers Evil, Good adapts and carries on.  Evil introduces caos, change and ironically it cant always adapt to the caos it strikes.  Good can, good endures and rises above the caos.

Good is stagnant, it does not evolve, and without evolution, extinction is inevitable. 

I dont think the peaceful majority is irrelevant..even Evil needs to feel peace..once the caos has passed, time is needed to regroup, repair and mend what has been scattered, broken and torn.